Fintech: The Ultimate Guide
Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) merupakan pilar penting perekonomian Indonesia. Namun selama pandemi Covid-19, banyak UMKM yang terdampak cukup signifikan. Merujuk hasil survei yang dilakukan oleh, sebanyak 56,8 persen UMKM di Indonesia berada dalam kondisi buruk akibat pandemi virus korona. Hanya 14,1 persen…
Indonesia merupakan negara berpenduduk muslim terbesar di dunia. Seiring perkembangan zaman, gaya busana masyarakat muslim di Indonesia pun terus mengalami perkembangan. Dari tahun ke tahun, terus bermunculan bisnis apparel muslim yang menawarkan desain pakaian yang kekinian dan memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Melansir Beritasatu pada 23 Agustus 2022, bahwa industri fashion muslim…
Masifnya pertumbuhan ekonomi digital di kawasan ASEAN tak lepas dari Indonesia. Ekonomi digital Indonesia yang terus bertumbuh bahkan diprediksi bakal menyumbang hampir separo dari valuasi ekonomi digital di kawasan ini pada 2030 mendatang. Melansir, 20 Juli 2022, ekonomi digital Indonesia diramal akan bernilai USD 315 miliar, atau setara 42…
Over the years, branchless banking agents have helped to increase the financial inclusion rate of Indonesia by providing basic financial services to the citizens. These services include account creation, G2P disbursement, etc. With Fintech companies being one of the major bodies to affect the agents, one might wonder how Fintech…
Peer-to-peer lending is one of the popular growing sectors of financial technology that provides investors with an opportunity to maximize returns in Indonesia. In addition, high demand and profits drive P2P lending in Indonesia, making it a perfect platform for MSMEs and several other individuals to borrow money from each…
Indonesia stands out as the fourth most populated country globally and one of the countries in Southeastern Asia with a high unbanked population. With the larger population becoming aware of the benefits of the internet and getting a mobile, it makes the country the ideal ground to set up a…
The event of the coronavirus pandemic turned out to be a real turning point for digital financial services in Indonesia. It made many MSMEs in the country start adopting fintech as a way to make payments for transactions because of how accessible it was. This didn’t only increase the financial…
The growth and progress of fintech in Indonesia are rapid. The financial and technological sector has not only made progress over the years, but it has generated significant revenue for the country. With the country still struggling with a high unbanked population, the growth of the fintech companies is evident….
Pandemi Covid-19 menjadi pelajaran berharga bagi banyak negara. Perekonomian di berbagai negara terpukul habis-habisan akibat virus korona. Dampaknya juga terus melanda pasca pandemi mulai melandai. Membuat banyak negara terseok mencukupi berbagai pembiayaan akibat pendapatan yang tak pasti. Menyadari hal itu, negara-negara anggota G20 bersepakat membentuk Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) atau…
The world is constantly looking for remedies to solve complicated business and financial matters with relative ease and at a much faster rate. Traditional markets, though still widely practiced, are notorious for the consumption of an excess amount of time, money and employees to run successfully. This is where online…
Harapan yang dinanti-nantikan segenap masyarakat Indonesia semakin dekat. Akhir pandemi Covid-19 yang telah dua tahun lebih merenggut banyak nyawa dan memukul perekonomian bangsa sudah semakin dekat. Dilansir dari CNN Indonesia pada 9 Maret 2022, pemerintah mulai merancang road map transisi. Menjadikan pandemi Covid-19 sebagai endemi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, serangkaian…