
Entrepreneurs are people who start their journey from an idea and put forth every effort to realize the idea and make their business a success.

So what exactly is Serial Entrepreneur?


The term Serial Entrepreneur may still sound foreign to the majority of Indonesian people. Not many people are familiar with this term or profession. In fact, being a Serial Entrepreneur has great potential for success.


Serial Entrepreneurs are people who constantly come up with ideas to create new businesses. They are people who do not only focus on one business, but are able to develop various other businesses that have great potential.

Traditional entrepreneurs don’t want to start another business at the same time as an existing business for fear that the current business will be neglected.

However, a Serial Entrepreneur was able to take this bold decision to start multiple businesses, one after the other. He is a very creative person in coming up with new business ideas and works hard to start a new business and make it a success.

Several world figures have been successful with their business and become a Serial Entrepreneur, one of which is Oprah Winfrey, besides being famous for her talk shows, she also creates magazines, websites, satellite radio shows, and a network channel called Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). In addition, the founders of Skype, Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom.

Not everyone can create something extraordinary out of innovative ideas, and not everyone has the ability to run multiple businesses at the same time. But Serial Entrepreneur can make it happen with focus and passion for developing great ideas.