
Key Points

  • Shanghai lifts its COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Residents enjoyed the public for the first time in two months on Wednesday.
  • People fear the curbs might return.

Shanghai finally bustled with life on Wednesday (Jun 1) after a two months long relentless COVID-19 lockdown. People drove cars again and took the bus back to work. The residents of Shanghai hope to never go through a similar dark time again.

Shanghai is the largest and most international city in China. The 25 million population of Shanghai endured a 2 month long lockdown which generated mental stress, tension and an economic downfall. China imposed a zero-tolerance policy and initiated the lockdown to eliminate COVID-19 outbreaks.

Currently, life is not completely back to normal. Dining in restaurants is still banned and shops can only accommodate 75% capacity. Gyms too will only reopen later. Long queues formed at testing sites as recent negative COVID-19 test results functioned as a pass to travel in public transport.

The general public expresses concerns of another Covid-19 outbreak. Another outbreak would result in further restrictions to normal and social life. Residents wear masks and adhere to COVID-19 health regulations in public. China, the second largest economy of the world, suffered blows to various sectors during the lockdown. Hence, manufacturing sectors, export sectors and supply chains faced the cold-end of the lockdown. International trade saw dark days too.

Analysts suggest the development of the Chinese economy largely depends on the development of COVID-19. Both consumers and businesses will take time to adjust to normal life again. The residents of Shanghai are doing their best to prevent another COVID-19 outbreak.
