The current global volatile economy can cause stress to businesses. Employers and employees alike face the brunt of the situation. New cycles administer recession to maintain the finances of companies. However, bolstering job security can be essential to you if you are one of the individuals fortunate enough to be still working. Learning to secure your job can save you the trouble and tension of filing for unemployment.

A recession does not fall under the control of the employee. However, you hold power over your performance at work. This in itself acts as a license to secure your job. This article covers how you can secure your job in the current economy.


Increase in Tension About Job Security


Anyone concerned with job security doesn’t stand alone. Drawbacks caused by the pandemic, world conflicts, and rough climate conditions impacted all organizations. According to Lemon.IO, trends of searches, including “will I lose my job in recession” and “what to do when you get laid off,” increased to 9,900% and 336%, respectively.

Do not get disheartened if you feel uncertain about your career and future. Engagement allows you to tighten your job security. In contrast, you will not show energy in your workplace if you find yourself disheartened. This, in turn, will reduce your value to the company and make your employers dislike you.

Organizations tend to keep employees who maintain constant engagement. Hence, enthusiastic, happy, and energetic employees retain their jobs. The happier and more enthusiastic the employee, the more colorful and productive the workplace will look. Employers love such environments! Letting worries about job security hinder your engagement will most likely increase your chances of facing a recession.


How Engagement is Important


Engagement directly translates to optimism. Optimism in a work environment can be given as follows,

  • Passive Optimism

Relates to a state where one believes in things getting better. An individual with passive optimism waits for time to solve problems and for conditions to get better.

  • Empowered Optimism

Relates to a state where one believes in things getting better. An individual with empowered optimism will work to make things better and not leave conditions to chance.

Believing in a better future and hoping for conditions to get better proves essential. On the other hand, one must also work and put some energy into improving things. Experts call this process “re-energizing.”

The following steps can be taken to boost engagement and re-energize your position in the workplace.

  • Reconnect with Colleagues;

Connection with other people can improve both health and happiness. Reconnecting with colleagues boosts your engagement significantly. Check-in with them to see who else feels the same way you do. Hang out with them, maybe invite them out for lunch. Initiating conversations with your colleagues can increase your chances of learning about new opportunities. This will also get you some tips about improving your performance in the company.

  • Look for Opportunities to Grow;

Try to find ways to improve yourself by learning various skills. Increase variety in your work by volunteering for projects. Employees can even discuss problems within the company and their solutions with bosses. Most importantly, find ways to accumulate new skills to become an essential asset to your organization. Your boss can become your mentor if you seek for help.

  • Accept Challenges;

Everyone loves easy work. However, easy work will reduce your engagement. Something demanding will keep you in the forefront and highlighted. Getting bored can destroy your motivation to work and make you lazy. An optimum level of challenge at the workplace can make you an efficient and energetic worker. Challenges make you think and work to improve your skills.

  • Give Your Best

Show confidence in the work you do. Reinforce your position by doing your best. This will make you feel better about yourself and give you satisfaction. Constantly remind yourself of why your bosses chose you for your role and the unique set of skills you offer the organization. Make sure you deliver a positive impact on everyone around you.

In Summary


Improving engagement in your workplace can significantly improve your job security. Employers look for employees who bring value to their organization and show commitment. Engagement will also make you feel better in your workplace. From the new connections you make with your employees to all the effort you put in to improve the work you deliver, your organization will appreciate you and value you.